

Parkland School Division’s derived measures demonstrate year-over-year growth in student achievement results regarding literacy and numeracy. The goal (divisional target) is for 95% of PSD students to achieve at least an acceptable level in literacy and numeracy; and, at a minimum, the teachers and leaders should experience an annual 10% reduction of students who are achieving below an acceptable level on literacy and numeracy benchmarking assessments.


Related Assurance Element(s)

Element 1: Students demonstrate success

Element 4: Teachers and Leaders Promote Literacy and Numeracy

Literacy Benchmarking

The 20-21 school year marked the implementation of division-wide data gathering of literacy levels, grades 1-8. Our data indicated that a significant percentage of our students were below the targeted Fountas and Pinnell reading level.

The Research and the Approach

After an extensive review of the research, the Division will be moving forward with a Structured Literacy approach. The first year will see a focus on screening and targeted interventions in the area of phonological awareness and word study. As well, all teachers will engage in professional development on comprehensive literacy, with a particular focus on small group instruction. The work will be coordinated and led by a Division Principal along with a Divisional Literacy Facilitator and a team of school-based literacy leads.

Implementation Timeline: 2021-2022

August 2021

September 2021

October 2021

Jan - June 2022

Professional Development

  • Phonological Awareness
  • Word Study
  • Small Group Instruction

Implement Screeners

  • QPAS: Beginning of K
  • PAST: Gr 1+
  • Words Their Way Spelling Inventory
  • Fountas & Pinnell Levels: Running Records

Professional Development

  • Analyze data
  • Now what?

Ongoing Professional Development

  • To support phonological awareness, word study and small group instruction
  • QPAS: Kindergarten T3